I had a great first week back at school. I was so nervous on Sunday, even though Monday was an Inset day!! Unexpectedly I had nearly the whole day to work with my TA getting the classroom sorted, so by the end of the day I was feeling much calmer and ready for the week. My colleagues are amazingly supportive, kind and insist I ask them if I need anything at all. I had a performance management meeting with my NQT mentor and feel really positive about the year (if slightly anxious). I think I'm filling myself with pretend confidence and it seemed to work on the kids last week so fingers crossed that'll work all year...?
Anyway, had a great weekend, we've finally sorted out the spare room, and Mum and Dad came up. We went over to Clifton with the intention of visiting the zoo, but the car parks were full and there was a massive queue, so we amended our plans. We went for lunch at the Avon Gorge, overlooking the Suspension Bridge. Then we found out it was the Bristol Open Doors weekend, so we got a free guided tour over the Bridge which was really interesting!! We went for a walk on the Downs, then home for a Chinese! Really nice!!
Today we finished constructing our new spare bed, bought a couple of nice rugs and I finished my maths planning for the week. I'm going to have to get in early tomorrow though to do my flipchart because I'm still waiting for a school laptop and can't get the IWB software on my personal laptop :/ Still, looking forward to Week 2 - first NQT session too!!