Sunday 28 November 2010

A busy week

The weeks are flying by, now I'm teaching again, I can't believe it's only about 3 weeks til Christmas!! Madness!

This week has been really busy. I went on a Social Programme trip to Wells and Wookey Hole which was good (and a good job it wasn't this weekend!!). Sunday I went with some friends from work to see Harry Potter!!!!! It was so good!!!! I must recommend it, even if you're not a Potter fan. Something for everyone. And the acting is so much better than the previous films!! Then was out every night this week, with French on Monday, Spanish exchange on Tuesday, dinner with some Italian friends on Wednesday and choir on Thursday. Friday I was looking forward to a quiet evening and early night. It started off well with a curry and a bit of wine, watched 'The Reader' (which I must recommend), then was just getting ready to sleep when my housemates decided to have a party in one of their rooms. Until 2am. I was livid. Especially when I was then woken up at 9.30 am yesterday morning. Seriously.

Anyway I got some things done at the bank and chilled (literally) for a bit, looked in the charity shops and then I came home, had a nap ( :) ) and then headed out for some drinks at my friend's new flat!! It was really cool, a lovely Spanglish get-together, delicious food and great company!! Headed home about midnight thought and managed a decent sleep before getting up, finishing the 4th Harry Potter book hehe then going down to collect my car from my friend's, and heading over to St. Bartholomew's Church where the Gurt Lushers were performing as part of the North Bristol Arts Trail. It was really fun, quite informal concert but good to get my first live concert over with in a relaxed atmosphere!! Think I blagged fairly well the songs I didn't know, too! Win.

So I'm feeling much more settled in Bristol. Been looking at flats to rent, I'm absolutely fed up of sharing so trying to find somewhere reasonably priced on my own. I may have to concede to sharing again though, but ideally just with one or two other people. At least until September when I'll know a bit better what the long-term is looking like.

That's all for now anyway!

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