Friday, 30 July 2010

still going!

it's not really got better... I'm just one person taking on a whole lot of responsibility; a lot of the school's reputation depends on me doing my job well. And jus one person, who is a teacher, doing it. I think it's a bit silly really! Gonna see out the summer and then have a word. I'm jus not passionate about booking buses and going into work is now a chore, where it once was a joy (when i was teaching). Even in saudi i mostly enjoyed the lessons, or at least the small chunks of the lessons that i actually, succcessfully taught them something.

Anyhoos, i've made a bit of a decision. The good think about difficult situations, be it a job you don't like or a personal situation that makes you unhappy, it really helps you to see the direction you really want to go in. So, i'm finally going to apply to do my PGCE next year, and will probably move to the northwest to do it. For various reasons really but a change is as good as a rest. I love Bristol but don't feel as close as I did and i guess things here aren't really as great as i'd like them to be, work wise in particular (annoying how much working colours your life & your experience of it, isn't it?!), but also homelife & socially... So we'll see what happens but i'm gonna get onto it once the application process starts again.

This weekend, in fact in about 5hrs, i'm going up to Geordieland with my parents, to see my Grandad. It was his 80th birthday on Thursday. He's had a rough couple of years what with my Grandma dying almost 2yrs ago, and his health being very poor over Christmas, so we're delighted he's made this great milestone!!

Well, i'd better catch some Zs before we have to be up and on the road!


Saturday, 17 July 2010

fed up

Feeling a bit down in the dumps after my crappy week continues into the weekend.

I'm tired, got in late after the BBQ/ Karaoke event last night. Went for a drink after with a couple of students which was really chilled, had a good chat. But woken up by one of my housemates shouting at another at 8am, then lotsa loud music from about 10.30. I can see the same thing happening again tonight, and I need to get up early tomorrow to take a bunch of kids to Birmingham. Back to work on Monday, and on a trip on Saturday so that'll be 7 days straight!! Awesome.

Had a work-related phonecall too, one of the bookings I made hadn't been written down and an agreement to invoice us not recorded so had to pay by CC over the phone, and they didn't get on the boat until 90 mins after they should have. Horrible. I hate constantly worrying and thinking about work in my down time!

Booked my flights to Scotland for mid-September and early October, can't wait. I need to get a couple of lovely wedding outfits.

Can't believe how much pressure there is. I've had some thorough rants over the past coupla days with various people at work who also feel the same, frustrated and pressurised. So many students (at capacity pretty much on both sites) but no extra help has been brought in for the admin team. It's a bit of a mare, in my opinion, everyone looked ragged and tired and stressed.

Hoping to go out for a little drink tonight with a colleague and then an early start tomorrow. Wondering what else is gonna go wrong though?

Tuesday, 13 July 2010


This is a theme that I mentioned a little in my old blog, when I was living in Saudi Arabia.

I've just read that France have passed the law prohibiting women from covering their faces in public.

Although it seems it was inevitable in a country that takes so much pride in its secular nature, I still feel disappointed and a little distressed on behalf of the women who cover. The BBC article I read says that most of the approximately 2,000 women who wear a niqab or a burkha in France are recent converts. To me that implies that most of these are probably French-born. The fact that the law has been passed shows such ignorance and disrespect of Islam.

In Saudi Arabia, most women I met were forced by law to cover their hair. Most covered their faces too, but more due to the culture than being made to by their male relations, or anything like this. Most of these women, however, the minute they leave Saudi, would uncover their faces. It is a minority of women who choose to cover their faces, but it is something, in their own interpretation of the Qu'ran and the teachings of the Prophet, that they are obliged to do. Whether or not we, as non-Muslims, agree with it is irrelevant. I feel just as strongly about all women (Muslim and non-Muslim) being forced to wear an abaya in Saudi. Just because it is your belief, does not mean I must share it. The same is true, in my opinion, in both countries. Although, in Saudi Arabia, I may choose to wear an abaya in order to 'fit in' more, I do not see why I should be impelled to do so. Similarly, although there was no law enforcing women to cover their faces, I did cover my face on occasion in order not to attract so much attention.

It is probably naive of me to say this, but why can't we just let people be. Banning women from covering their faces is being hailed as an expression of French identity. But I feel as though prohibiting the wearing of a niqab is almost worse than forcing someone to wear it. (although in both cases, it is sold to the woman as "protecting" her). It says in the article that in the wording of the legislation itself, no mention is made of burkhas or niqabs. Will that mean people will be forbidden from wearing fancy-dress masks that cover their faces??

Belgium and Spain will both be looking at the reaction to this news with interest, as both countries are also interested in introducing similar legislation. I hope they are able to make the mature decision of NOT following in France's footsteps.

Monday, 12 July 2010


another thwarted early night!

After a fairly chilled weekend, it was back to work with a bump today. Sent on emergency cover again today, to come back into a snappy email regarding my holiday request, followed by information about a massive communication breakdown leading to a fairly large f*** up over the wknd, not my fault but it got put onto me. I know i'm doing a pretty good job bt i don't know if i can carry on with it, i don't really like admin, that's why i became a teacher, and being in the classroom on friday & a bit this morning reminded me again. It's a bit frustrating. but i suppose it's ok for now, i'm jus not passionate about organising and budgeting and printing and typing up... Slightly dogsbodyish feeling too, can i 'just' type up this, or rearrange that, or go & do the other...

well, jus a few things on my mind. Feeling a little solitary and down today i guess. Hope tomorrow is better. Also wish my housemates would pipe down at this time of night. Seriously.

Anyway, i'm gonna try to get up early tomo and do some yoga, think i need it.

Monday, 5 July 2010


Hi all,

Wah, it's been ages since I posted. The end of June passed fairly uneventfully, save for a great evening catching up with an old friend & colleague who has been working out in Spain this past year. His experience abroad was somehow opposite to mine in that he grew to love it. it was great to swap our very different stories and to thank him for the advice and support he gave me on my last blog. I really appreciated it!

Work has been really busy but now at the beginning of July I'm feeling much more on top of things which is great. Had a relaxing, sunbarhy weekend a week ago and spent this last weekend karaoke and singstar-ing with students, then at St Pauls carnival on Saturday. Sunday I went home to see my parents, and had a lovely walk/sit by the Thames watching the boats go by on their way homr from Henley Regatta.

Right now, I can't sleep. I have really random thoughts going round my head, think I've been watching too much How I Met Your Mother and bizarrely worrying about how on earth Cristiano Ronaldo plans is going to bring up a baby on his own? Money can't buy stability or normality.. My head is a strange place!

In other exciting news, I'm going to see Twilight: Eclipse next week. I'm reaaaally looking forward to it, and also because I'm hoping they'll be showing the latest Harry Potter trailer, weeeeee!!!!

Anyhoos, I jus wondered whether blogging some of the garble in my head would help me sleep. Apologies for any typos, I'm using my phone to write this and for some annoying reason it won't show me the line I'm typing... very dangerous business having permanent (nearly) access to the internet...

For now though, enough of my ramblings.